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Creamy Vegan Roasted Carrot Soup


Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Yeild: 6 servings


8 large carrots

2 medium potatoes

1 large onion

7 cloves garlic

1 carton veggie stock

1 tbs chopped ginger

1 tbs chopped parsley

1 can of coconut milk

salt & pepper

italian seasoning

green onions for garnish

bread for croutons


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

  2. Start off by slicing all of your carrots and tossing them in a bowl with oil, salt and pepper. Place your sliced carrots onto a baking sheet with parchment paper. Bake for 1 hour, flipping after 30 mins.

  3. Once you have flipped your carrots and put them back in the oven you can slice your potatoes into cubes and boil them on medium until cooked.

  4. While your carrots and potatoes are cooking you can dice your onions, ginger, garlic and parsley. Add all these ingredients into a large pot on medium heat and cook just until onions become translucent.

  5. By now your carrots and potatoes should be done. Drain your potatoes and add them into your blender with your carrots. Add the carton of veggie stock and blend together until nice and smooth. Then we will add in the mixture from the pot into the blender as well and blend again until everything is mixed together.

  6. Add everything from your blender back into the large pot on low heat. Season soup with salt, pepper and about 2 tbs of italian seasoning. Add in your can of coconut milk and stir.

  7. Simmer soup for as long as you'd like. I simmered mine for about an hour.

  8. Make some croutons by cutting bread into cubes and baking them in the oven with oil, salt, pepper and italian seasoning. It should only take a few minutes on 400 degrees.

  9. Garnish your bowl of soup with some croutons and green onions and ENJOY!!!


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